About Us
Welcome to our web site.
We appreciate your interest and desire to have a strategy created for your financial "to do" list.
As the only constant is change, being a leader in the insurance and financial services industry means continually striving for valued service and a dynamic array of personalized investment options.
Providing knowledgeable and ethical guidance appropriate for your situation, from a financial professional who takes the time to discuss:
1. Sensible options, and
2. Be there in person to help you create and maintain your financial strategy.
We are trained professionals who can help you identify your financial needs and then determine which insurance and/or financial products can best help you meet your objectives, for today and for your future.
Please use our Web site as a resource, and do not hesitate to contact us for additional information or to schedule a meeting. Thank you for your interest.
Gene A. Nadeau M.S., LUTCF